

These are techniques that you will usually adopt for tournament point sparring. It consists of subset of classic Taekwondo techniques, that were found to be most effective in sparring. The emphasis is on the speed and distance closing. Also priority is given to scoring a point over power of the strike.

Beginning Level

  • Stances

    Fighting Stance

    basically a relaxed version of the Back Stance, as relaxed body promotes faster reaction.

    Iron Horse Stance

    lower sitting then Fighting stance it provides greater control over the distance to your opponent. Closing in for punches, or avoiding hits is acomplished simply by shifting weight from one foot to another.

    All of the Sparring techniques are executed from either Fighting Stance or Iron Horse stance.

    Also in sparring two types of stances are possible : Open stance - where opponents backs are turned in the same direction. Closed Stance - where opponents face each other. Many schools teach students to fight in closed stance only, as it is most protected. In real life though its usefull to use both types, and switch them during fight, to confuse opponent, and to find his/her weaker spots.

  • Strikes

    Back Fist

    From position when its blocking strikes to the head, lead hand is thrust forward using shoulder muscles, striking opponent with the back of the fist. At the same time back leg is moved towards the lead leg, allowing stepping-in at the end of technique, thus closing distance to opponent, allowing for other techniques to follow. Body may lean somewhat into strike to increase the reach. Back Fist is normally performed to the head. It could often be used to force opponent to open up while blocking it. Could be followed up by Side Kick to the belt area, or Reverse Punch to the body.

    Reverse Punch

    Back Fist strikes opponent's body, while lead hand blocks potential counter punch to the head. Reverse Punch is mostly used as a follow-up technique.

    Ridge Hand

    Back hand is raised to the lead shoulder, covering face with an open palm from potential counterstrike, while lead hand strikes opponent with the edge of the hand using sweeping motion.

  • Kicks

    Short Roundhouse Kick

    Lead leg's knee is raised and turned, so that knee is in line with the body, while foot is behind. Leg is then snapped, so that opponent is struck with the top of the foot or an ankle, using whip-like motion. While executing kick it is important that lower part of the leg is relaxed, and power is achieved using the hip. Back leg could be brought forward at the beginning of the kick, in order to close distance to the opponent. Retract your leg and put it back on the ground as fast as possible, in order to keep your balance.

    Turning Roundhouse Kick

    Executed using back leg, this kick has more power but takes longer to execute then Short Roundhouse Kick. Turn your lead foot outwards, while bringing knee of the rear leg forward, with foot pointing outwards. Snap your foot at opponent with whip-like motion, hitting with the top of the foot or an ankle. This technique may be used to close the distance to opponent, so that it could be followed with other techniques, such as Back Fist.

    Side Kick

    Lead leg's knee is brought up, turning it inside, and chambering, so that foot is in-line with the body. Leg is snapped at the opponent hitting with the bottom of the foot. Snap foot back immidiately, or keep it open to prevent opponent from counterattacking. This is great technique to be used when opponent attacks, opening side of the body. This is also good technique to stop opponent chasing you. Could be executed both in open and closed stances.

    Hook Kick

    Executed from an open stance. Back leg is brought forward with the step, while turning it so that the heel points toward opponent. Lead leg is then chambered, as if for side kick, and then snapped at the point in front of the opponents body. It is then brought back with the sweeping motion, hitting opponent with the bottom of the foot or the heel. Usefull in open stance, when opponent is blocking side of the body, making it unpractical to use Side Kick.

    Back Kick

    Bring the palm of your hand to the shoulder, covering face from potential punches. Look over this shoulder at opponent. Raise your knee up, and snap it so that foot kicks backwards. This is a good technique to be used, while being chased by an opponent punching.

Intermediate Level

Double Back Fist

Back Fist immidiately followed by another Back Fist. Great to be used when opponent blocks Back Fist with the rising block and then lowers blocking hand.

Bottom Fist

Raise Back Knee to the chest, covering lower abdomen, while holding lead hand in front of the chest, parallel to the body. Hit opponent from above with the bottom of the fist of the back hand. Suitable for attack of opponent leaning forward.

Turning Back Kick

Step with your lead leg inwards, so that the heel points toward an opponent. Turn around on it, while chambering other leg as for the side kick, looking over the shoulder at opponent. Snap your foot at the end of the turn, hitting opponent with the bottom of the foot.

Thrust Kick

to be added

Advanced Level

Low,High Roundhouse Kick

Execute Short Roundhouse kick to the opponent's lower abdomen area. Without lowering foot, snap it again, hitting opponent's chest or head. Purpose is to get opponent to lower his block for the first kick, opening up upper abdomen and/or head.

Inside Cresent Kick

In open stance - could be executed to opponents body. In Closed stance - to opponent's head. Raise your straing lead leg slightly inwards, and then move it outwards in circular motion, hitting opponent with the outside edge of the foot, or a heel.

Outside Cresent Kick

Raise your straing lead leg slightly outwards, and then move it outwards in circular motion, hitting opponent with the inside edge of the foot, or a heel.

Axe Kick

Turn your back foot, so that heel points towards an opponent. Raise your knee straight up, with foot chambered underneath it. Snap your foot up as high as possible, and then lower its heel on opponent, while keeping the leg straight. Very powerfull kick designed to break opponent's blocks.

Spinning Crescent Kick

to be added

Black Belt Level

Spinning Back Kick

to be added

Spinning Heel Kick

to be added

Sparring Combinations

Sparring combinations are a product of great experience, obtained in many fights with diverse opponents. This combinations are found to be most effective, inevitably scoring points in sparring. They tech student how to link moves together efficiently, as well as what moves where found to be usefull against experienced opponent.

Beginning Level

White 1

Back Fist, Reverse Punch.,

Basic, yet one of the most efficient combinations. Back Fist forces opponent to open lower part of the body, while blocking it, allowing Reverse punch to penetrate and hit opponent's body. This combination requires attacker to be in a punching range. Close-in using small steps, while staying well-bladed and slightly behind opponent's back, to avoid being hit by kicks.

White 2

Back Fist, Ridge Hand.,

As lead hand performs Back Fist, back hand is brought up to the lead shoulder with open palm, blocking potential counterattack. Lead hand then executes Ridge Hand strike to the back of the head or the body of an opponent.

White 3

Roundhouse Kick, Back Fist, Reverse Punch,

Roundhouse Kick closes distance to opponent, forcing him/her to lower blocks, creating opening for Back Fist. If Back Fist does not reach its goal as opponent blocks it - Reverse Punch is used to take advantage of open lower body.

White 4

Hook Kick, Back Fist, Reverse Punch,

From Open Stance, Low Hook Kick closes distance, while forcing opponent to lower his/her blocks, creating an opening for a Back Fist - Reverse Punch to score.

Yellow 1

Hook Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Back Fist,

Yellow 2

Ridge Hand to the chest, Reverse Punch to the head,

Back hand is brought up to the lead shoulder, protecting against counterattack, while lead hand executes Ridge Hand to opponent's chest, forcing him to block and open head. Back hand then punches open head with a Reverse Punch.

Yellow 3

Turning Roundhouse Kick, Back Fist, Reverse Punch,

Turning Roundhouse Kick closes distance, and possibly scores a head shot, coming from surprising direction. Stance changes to open stance, confusing opponent, Back Fist - Reverse Punch are used to score afterwards from close range. This combination could also be executed from the open stance, in which case Turning Roundhouse kick is directed at opponent's body.

Yellow 4

Side Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Back Fist,

Execute Roundhouse Kick without lowering lead leg - immidiately after the Side Kick. Side Kick forces opponent to lower blocks, opening body for a roundhouse Kick. If Roundhouse Kick does not score - it is followed up with Back Fist.

Orange 1

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Ridge Hand,

If initial Back Fist - Reverse Punch does not score a point - Ridge Hand is used to follow up, and attack opponent with unexpected technique. If this combination is preceeded by two or more Back Fist - Reverse Punch combinations - it may be more effective, as opponent won't be expecting Ridge Hand followup.

Orange 2

Hook Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Back Fist,

From Closed stance Hook Kick is executed to opponent's head. Without lowering your foot - snap it again, hitting opponent on the chest, that got open while he/she was blocking the Hook kick. If point is not scored with Roundhouse Kick - its followed up with Back Fist.

Orange 3

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Side Kick,

This combination adds far-reaching followup technique to standard Back Fist-Reverse Punch, to be used when opponent steps back instead of blocking.

Orange 4

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Turning Side Kick,

It is recommended that above combinations are interchanged to cause confusion on the part of opponent. For example : execute Back Fist-Reverse Punch twice, to get opponent used to this, and then follow up with Back Fist-Ridge Hand.

Intermediate Level

Green 1

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Skip Turning Back Kick ,

Green 2

Back Fist, Skip Turning Side Kick,

Green 3

Ridge Hand to the chest, Skip Hook Kick to the head,

Blue 1

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Skip Front Thrust Kick,

Blue 2

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Skip Roundhouse Kick,

Blue 3

Ridge Hand to the body, Back Fist to the head, Reverse Punch to the head,

Execute Ridge Hand with the lead hand, followed by a Back Fist with the same hand, creating double threat to opponent, and thus forcing him/her to raise blocks. Reverse Punch to the body scores point.

Purple 1

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Skip Turning Roundhouse Kick,

Purple 2

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Skip Front Trust Kick,

Purple 3

Back Fist, Hook Kick, Skip Roundhouse Kick,

Advanced Level

Brown 1

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Jump Front Kick to the chest,

Brown 2

Back Fist, Jump Roundhouse Kick to the chest,

Brown 3

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Jump Turning Roundhouse Kick to the chest,

Brown 4

Back Fist to the head, Jump Side Kick to the side,

Brown 5

Ridge Hand, Back Fist, Jump Hook Kick to the head,

Brown 6

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Jump Inside Cresent Kick to the chest,

Brown 7

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Spin Cresent Kick to the chest or head,

Brown 8

Back Fist, Lunge Punch, Spin Heel Kick to back of the head,

Red 1

Front Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Jump Back Fist to the back of the head,

Red 2

Counter Ridge Hand to head with Jump Back Kick to chest

Red 3

Block Roundhouse Kick with Inside Overarm Block, Jump Back Kick to the chest,

Red 4

Block Reverse Punch with a High Block, Jump Roundhouse Kick to the head, Roundhouse Kick,

Black Belt Level

Black 1

Front Snap Kick, Side Kick, Spinning Back Kick,

Black 2

Inside Cresent Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Spinning Heel Kick,

Black 3

Double Roundhouse Kick, Side Kick, Spinning Cresent Kick,

Black 4

Side Kick, Back Fist, Ridge Hand, Roundhouse Kick,

Black 5

Back Fist, Reverse Punch, Ridge Hand, Spinning Cresent Kick,